Green Guide
The BGI Green Guide is a list of helpful sustainability-related links and resources. If you have a resource you believe would be helpful to add/update/remove, please Contact Us.
Purdue/Lafayette-Specific Resources
Purdue Buildings & Grounds website and list of landfill vs. recyclable items
Tippecanoe County A-Z Recycling Guide
Online Article Series
National Geographic "Planet or Plastic?" series about the impact of plastic pollution in oceans
Plant-Based How-to's & Recipe Guide
During Fall 2019 BGI made a free, informational PDF download which provides details about how to easily incorporate more nutritionally-balanced plant-based meals into your diet. Access the guide by clicking the Adobe button below.
Green Living Tips
There are tons of great tips for living sustainably! In addition to searching online, asking friends and family can be a great way to get some creative new tips!
Here are a few helpful resources
Ten Ways to Live Sustainably -- Dummies.com
101+ Tips to Help You Live a More Sustainable Life -- Eco Warrior Princess
20 Green Tips that Will Improve Your Health and Lifestyle -- LifeHack.org
Sustainability in Your Day-to-Day Life -- Medium.com
Green Eco Tips for Sustainable Living -- GlobalStewards.org
A Second Life for Meat Scraps & Used Cooking Oil --Dar Pro Solutions
Eco-friendly home improvements that make a difference --Bankrate
And here are a few pages specific to college students
15 Tips for Green Living in College -- Princeton Review
Going Green at School -- AccreditedSchoolsOnline.org. Also has lots of helpful information about sustainability on college campuses
5 Unique Ways to Go Green if You're Living in a Dorm -- U.S. News
15 Easy Ways Students Can Go Green -- FastWeb
7 Ways to be an Eco-Friendly College Student -- Greener Ideal
Voting Information
Voting is a great way to influence green change! Boiler Green Initiative does not support or oppose any particular candidates, but we encourage you to vote and offer the resources below so you can make an informed choice
League of Women Voters/VOTE411 publishes guides to understanding candidate's positions and offers educational material about how to vote and check voter registration
How to Vote information from the U.S. government
Indiana Voting Information from the Indiana state government
How to Vote guide from NPR